The first issue of the zine is finally done. Actually, we have one piece and three dots to add, but that's it. Twenty pages of things and stuff written and drawn by people in places. I'm glad it has finally happened. The process of putting it together has taught me a lot about the people around me and the different ways people care and the ways they choose to use their ambition. In all honesty I have felt a bit disappointed in the lack of... well, just the lack. Lack describes it well. But that doesn't matter because we have still managed to put something together. I am proud of it. Now to figure out double-sided photocopying.
I thought I already commented on this, but apparently not. I'm pretty damn excited, but yeah, people are a bit loath to put their words where their mouth is so to speak. Shame. But I'm hoping it's gonna snowball after the first issue:) only took us 10-odd months!