I don't know what the temperature is outside, but it is too high. I feel like I'm ready for winter again. The nights are getting lighter, but the change seems unsettling to me. I enjoy eating dinner in the dark and driving with my lights on at 4pm of earlier depending on the weather. I like jumpers and horrible weather, warm puddings and the feeling of settling down for the night. But now the days are feeling longer and the dark is disappearing. Through the days I close my curtains and read with my lamp on. I want to make the night happen because everything feels safer then. I don't like it when everyone is up and about. Too much can happen.
Reading is more fun at night. Music sounds better when it's quiet, but then again there is often nothing better than listening to punk loudly in the summer. Some books are written for summer, but I don't mean 'summer reads'. I mean books like Wuthering Heights- books I associate with summer. I first read it lying in my garden on a tartan blanket with my old white ipod and my glasses lying next to me. I got a tan that summer.
I have talked myself round.
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