Sunday, 22 February 2009

The Human Condition

I’ve realised that I don’t really have any strong opinions. There aren’t many things I would passionately argue over because I, more often than not, see both sides. I have preferences, but not many things make me angry or hugely passionate. My passions lie in things which interest me in positive ways. I like the poets I like. I like the novelists and the musicians I like. I don’t eat meat, but I can understand why people do. I don’t see the world in black and white, maybe that’s the thing.
I also realised that one of my favourite things in the world is reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being late at night, usually after work. I don’t have time to read the things I want to read, so it’s nice to be able to read just a few pages every weekend or so. I have only read 160 pages but already I know it’s the best thing I have ever read. Every time I pick it up I don’t have to think about who’s who, what’s happened or what I’m in the middle of at the moment. I open it up and everything is easy and familiar. I just fall into it.

So, it is the little things. I enjoy the first mouthful of a cold Diet Coke. I enjoy the second mouthful too. I like tumble drying, looking at paintings of Jesus, eating slow with chopsticks and listening to long songs.